Checkout my Resume

Here is my resume. Go ahead and download it. It is just an overview of my work in one page but if you wanna know more keep browsing this website.

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Checkout my projects

My projects are spread across so many different domains. Ranging from wearable technology, VR/AR to Deep Learning, AI and HTN planning stuff so feel free to check them out here.

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Wanna know me?

I do have some hobbies. If you wanna know me better, check out this stuff.

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Project highlights

Here are my top projects. I am currently working on some of them and others are my favorites. Check them out and tell me if you think any interesting fact about them.

Social Wearables

Wearable tech deployed in the BattleStarGalactca LARP and written Designing Future Social Wearables with Larp Designers in CHI 2018

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Social VR

Figuring out WHAT it MEANS to be SOCIAL in VR? and giving design guidelines to the designer of Mozilla that aligns with the openness of the web.

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Scene Sampler

Scene Sampler is a collaborative game for two, meant to enhance social experience. Showcased at Indiecade 2017 and Come Out and Play(NY)

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Human Food Interaction

How could we design technologies that afford playful, social and embodied interactions with and through food? Initial work being presented at DIS 2018.

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